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Showing posts from July, 2018
In today's post, Paul Howes describes how the Ruby study has taken on a contemporary approach by looking at UK files that reflect a primarily English one-name study of a different era.  Aside from electronic vs paper, a primary focus in today's one-name study is family reconstruction from the beginning.  A different dynamic Thanks to another member of the Guild of One-Name Studies, we recently became aware of some considerable work done on a large number of Ruby families by a man named Reed, now deceased.  The member had prepared a large number of electronic files for transfer to the Society of Genealogists (SoG)* together with ten boxes of paper files.  The SoG now owns this material but has kindly given us access to Mr Reed's work in advance of its being fully accessioned and we acknowledge with thanks their kind contribution to our effort. Mr Reed was not a Guild member but as I viewed the paper copy of his material at the SoG it was clear that he had gone...