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Showing posts from September, 2018

One Ruby Massachusetts Family

George Ruby emigrated from Middlesex, England and found himself tragically caught up in the United States Civil War.   A Ruby project member tells the story of George and some of his descendants.   The Ruby family that Ruby team member, Corrine Curtis GEDCOM to me (it links into her Sennett ONS) has proved very interesting – George the progenitor was born 02 Sep 1812 in Middlesex, England according to his naturalization petition of 1856. He was a soldier and died in 1863 during the Civil War at the Battle of Fredericksburg [Neither birth or baptism found so far]. George Ruby was a 45 year-old machinist from Taunton, Massachusetts, when he enlisted in that city and was commissioned as a Captain on July 15, 1861. He was mustered on August 24, 1861 into the 18th Mass. Infantry into command of Company B, the Irish Company. He had seen long service as a Sergeant in the British Army and carried a deep sword wound on his face suffered during a campaign in ...

Getting to grips with recording sources: how being part of a group project can really help

  "Guild members collaborating is not at all new, but 30 people collaborating on one study certainly is.  One of the goals of the project was to bring Guild members together to mark our 40th anniversary.  The experience of one team member below describes how well this project is working for her." Paul Howes I started genealogy research about 1976 BC (BC -   Before Computers) helping my mother with her research, laboriously copying records by hand.   My mother was an early adopter of computers for genealogy, using one of the first versions of PAF (Personal Ancestral File).   When I took over the updating of the family tree, data was transferred between computers on floppy discs.   When it was hinted that PAF may no longer be supported, I switched to Legacy. So what has this got to do with referencing and sourcing?    The PAF file I started with had all the source details in the notes field, and that is how it got transfer...