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Thank you to Paul, who took on a project that was untried and became a rather large initiative.  His post below is an excellent summary. It is just a fact that without Paul the bumpy start to this concept would never have achieved what it did.  My own contributions never met their unrealistic goals - oh sure I will cover every Ruby in Canada - and due to many shifting priorities, my commitment regretfully decreased as time progressed but Paul persevered and never gave up the goal - Kudos! Peggy Chapman This is the final note from me as project manager for the initial stage of the Ruby One-Name Study, started by the Guild of One-Name Studies as a means of demonstrating what Guild members could do when working together in a tight timetable to celebrate the Guild’s 40 th birthday in September 2019. We started this project early in 2018 when three of us, me in Florida, Peggy in Canada and Karen in Australia had a few video-conference discussions to figure out how best...
Recent posts

DRY Genealogy and a word from the new Ruby team

For readers who are not Guild members, the Ruby project will be transferring to "real" Rubys the end of September.  Michael Ruby has introduced himself and provided a very interesting read on DRY approach to genealogy.  I think many of us can relate to the amusing but true definiton of WET!  And with Michael's permission, I would love to adopt the sentence " Genealogy as a whole is forever beautifully unfinished."   Peggy Homans Chapman Hello, everyone. My name is Michael Ruby. I am part of the team that will be inheriting the Ruby One-Name Study on 30 September. I would like to take this opportunity to express gratitude, to introduce myself, and to offer some initial thoughts about the future of the study by way of this blog post’s main body. In it, I wish to offer something that I hope is at least a little bit fresh: a computer science-style argument for the value of approaching genealogy through the one-name study.   I have a feeling that most g...

Occupations of Rubys on the England and Wales 1881 Census

Nikki Brown has provided a thought-provoking post on analysis.  Many one-namers love the analysis phase of a study but are unsure how to start.  It may vary depending on your study. For example, my one name study has very little UK content but is more a story of emigration from the Channel Islands to different parts of the world - i love to compare the lives/experiences of these emigrants depending on where they landed.  NOTE: this was a technical challenge for poor Blogger due to the charts etc. and may appear a bit odd - if it is unreadable please provide a comment.   There has been a wide variety of blog posts on the Ruby website. They have inclluded origins and migrations of Rubys; name changes and confusions; discovering different records with new ways to use them, and problems when using them; persons of interest and of course, experiences and lessons (ususally good!) learnt from working in a team. I wondered if there was something new to ...