Nikki Brown has provided a thought-provoking post on analysis. Many one-namers love the analysis phase of a study but are unsure how to start. It may vary depending on your study. For example, my one name study has very little UK content but is more a story of emigration from the Channel Islands to different parts of the world - i love to compare the lives/experiences of these emigrants depending on where they landed. NOTE: this was a technical challenge for poor Blogger due to the charts etc. and may appear a bit odd - if it is unreadable please provide a comment. There has been a wide variety of blog posts on the Ruby website. They have inclluded origins and migrations of Rubys; name changes and confusions; discovering different records with new ways to use them, and problems when using them; persons of interest and of course, experiences and lessons (ususally good!) learnt from working in a team. I wondered if there was something new to ...